Meet this year’s 1000th Race customer!
September 01 2017, Portland Street Honda

Last month, Portland Street Honda concluded its 4th annual Race to 1000 in support of the IWK Foundation. Over the course of 4 months, a portion of every vehicle we sold (with the goal of selling 1000) would go toward donating a total of $50,000 to the IWK to help with equipment and services.
Not only did the generous support of our customers help us reach our goal, but the 1000th vehicle was sold to Deacon Bernie Coffin, a proud member of the IWK support team. Deacon Bernie has been a minister for 37 years and has been sharing his time with IWK for over six years.
When we sat down with the Deacon to ask him about his experience, he got right to the point.
“Isn’t it funny that my car was the one thousandth one.”
We certainly had to agree.
Only moments after signing the paperwork, Deacon Bernie received a call informing him that the IWK Trauma Crisis Team (of which he is a member) was needed at the hospital right away. “When that happens, you have 40 minutes to get there. I told Keith, I need to go! When I asked him if I should take the old car or the new car, he said to take the new car!”
When we asked the Deacon a bit about his role at the IWK, he didn’t hesitate in his reply. “It’s an amazing place. I really enjoy what I do there. I have scheduled shifts for visiting the hospital, but I’m on the trauma crisis team as well, so when they call everyone goes to the hospital to prepare. A big part of my job on the team is to be with the family. When I’m there for my shifts, I’m meeting with the parents, praying with the children, and baptizing babies. I’ve seen miracles there, I really have. We are so blessed to have such an incredible place so close.”
One of the features of the IWK that seems to stand out to the Deacon is the staff and volunteers. “So many people don’t know what goes on behind the scenes there. (Everyone there) does an incredible job. There’s a nurse there that stands outside the door (of the trauma room), and I don’t know how she does it, she must have hearing like Superman, but they’ll open the door looking for something, and she’ll have it right there for them. They don’t even ask, she just has it ready and she hands it to them. There’s a cleaning woman there and if she’s doing her work and a family comes in, she’ll ask them where they’re going and take them right up to the rooms. I’ve met some awesome people (at the IWK), and sometimes I ask myself how they do it. You can’t ask for a better place. I just can’t say enough about what happens there.”
Deacon Bernie was then quick to add “and thank god for the Portland Street Honda people for what they do too. The IWK is always in need of support. $50,000 will go a long way.”
While his new Civic is his first Honda, Deacon Bernie admits his friends and family have been pressuring him to buy one for years. “I love it, (they) were completely right. I find it very comfortable and fun to drive. When I walked into the dealership I didn’t feel any sales pressure; everyone was very friendly. I have a friend in Moncton who has the same car, so as soon as I saw this one, I knew it was right.”
We’d like to thank Deacon Bernie for generously sharing his time with us and for choosing Portland Street Honda and the Race to 1000 for the IWK.
Thank you to everyone who made our 4th year of the “Race to 1000” a successful one, we look forward to doing it all again next year!