Small City Heroes: Taya
August 12 2018, Portland Street Honda

Like many kids her age, 7-year-old Taya has been really enjoying her summer break. She plays with her friends, goes swimming, attends soccer practice; and if it's a particularly good day she may even find some time to demonstrate her new Karate skills.
There is one activity that really sets Taya apart from her peers, however; this summer Taya (with the help of her mom) created "Taya's Team" a Facebook group dedicated to collecting books and small toys/games for kids staying at the IWK.
While cleaning her room, Taya heard the "Portland Street Honda Race to 1000" ad on the radio and started asking her mom about donating to the IWK. "She wanted to do something nice for the hospital because they deserve it." Taya's Mother, Alisha Oakes, told us when we sat down with the pair at our dealership. Taya eventually settled on the donation of books and other small items that kids will be able to enjoy from their bedside, and the pair got to work spreading the word out about her fantastic idea on Facebook.
Taya has already collected a closet worth of donations from across Nova Scotia, and from personal shopping trips. "When we go to the store, Taya will go look at books and toys that we can donate," Alisha told us with pride. "I'm really impressed by how dedicated she has been." Originally Taya's plan was to deliver the items in December, but she may need to make multiple trips based on the support and volume of donations she has been receiving.
Being involved in the community is something that is very important to Taya and her family. "We spend a lot of time interacting and participating in as many events and activities as possible, and when I see Taya taking something like this on it's clear that she is starting to understand why, and how important it is."
Taya has told many of her friends and family about her mission and hopes that more kids and adults will want to get involved in doing nice things; especially around HRM and her community of North Dartmouth.
We were honored to meet Taya and her mother and to be able to help participate in her fantastic mission. She is a true "Small City Hero" and we hope her kindness triggers even more kids (and adults) to become heroes in their communities.
If you're interested in learning more about Taya's Team and how you can donate, we invite you to join the Facebook group here:
and to drop off some items in the donation bin near our lounge next time you're visiting Portland Street Honda.